I took a big step a few months ago and made the move to Blue Yonder. So far it’s been thrilling, interesting and genuinely challenging (in a good way!). And getting to know a new set of clients, what makes them tick, their mannerisms, their wants and needs; I can’t help but liken this to the world of dating and building a flourishing new relationship.
There are a lot of similarities after all…
There’s the first date – understanding if you ‘click’, building the foundations, the dynamic, finding common ground and wanting to make a great first impression. You make an impact from the first time you see each other after all… it can be fairly brutal! But if we pass that initial first step, there’s clearly a spark that’s worth investing time into (whether you laughed at their jokes, empathised at their stories or something as simple as wore some great shoes). it’s a really important first step.
To the throes of dating – building understanding on a deeper level, understanding what’s important, learning about each other’s’ character, how to get the best out of each other, etc. I’m sure we all get butterflies at this early stage as it all starts to matter a lot more. The ‘real’ you is uncovered and understanding if you click becomes really quite important. You’ll know…conversation is easy, you can relate to each other, you have lots in common…all great stuff!
To further down the line – building trust, rapport, taking risks together, looking for opportunities, leaning on each other for support and advice, being confident to challenge and debate. Ultimately working to create the start of a brilliant new relationship which you hope will form a longstanding and lifelong partnership. It’s the time when one day you reflect and realise you are much more fulfilled from having them part of your life.
So what does this tell us? How important it is to listen, understand, give others your undivided attention and ultimately be authentic…and your reward? A meaningful relationship that puts a smile on both your faces knowing that someone has your back.
Want to know more? Would love to talk it through with you!

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