Innovation in Insight2023-11-28T11:22:05+00:00

Investing in innovation

Blue Yonder invests 10% of net profit into innovation and 10% of the Blue Yonder team work exclusively on creating new insight tech and methods. That’s a major investment for an independent agency.

Why do it? Because it’s what we love. Innovation is what gets us up in the morning. It is also because we know our role is to meet clients’ insight needs. Unmet needs upset us. We try to find a way. If none exists, we’ll invest to create one. This is what we mean by Innovation in Insight.

Entrepreneurship is our DNA

We are unusual in that we have a board level C.I.O. – Chief Innovation Officer. Jonathan Million, a lifetime entrepreneur, who founded the company. His role today is to ensure our clients are across all the latest tech trends and that Blue Yonder is innovating in the spaces our clients need us to be investing in. He also leads our quarterly innovation awards, and ‘disruption sessions’. Disruption is critical to innovation. It keeps us fresh.

Jonathan Million, CIO, creating Clickscape in the lab

Jonathan Million doing what he loves best: innovating in the lab during the creation of Clickscape.

Three kinds of innovation

Don’t hold back. If you have a tough research question – try us.

Recent innovation trends

In recent years, the most common unmet need is understanding real world moments. How can I diagnose what people are experiencing in the non-digital (real world), without disrupting them to the extent feedback becomes meaningless?

Products, experiences, fragrances, media platforms have all come to us with a version of this question. We are so glad they did because they led us to these two completely unique pieces of research tech, only available through Blue Yonder.

Clickscape button, app and dashboard - Blue Yonder


The first industry tool that can capture sensorial, emotional or behavioural feedback exactly when it happens, in the real world. We assessed the tools available for understanding moments (diary apps, social listening, neuro and the rest) and realised there was a huge gap. Nothing could combine a near to system one approach with actually being in the real world, at a scale large enough to generate robust insight.

So we hit the lab and Clickscape® was born. Now used globally by clients who need to understand their product performance over time, and get closer to the moments that matter.

  • Provides instant in the moment data

  • Sensorial, emotional, and behavioural consumer insight

  • Target communications in exact moments

  • Understand user experience and discover how to improve your product or service

  • Bespoke client dashboard displays live data


AlertYa™ is our fully customisable app that delivers surveys at the moments that matter. It allows us to target any moment of insight need, unlocking surveys or tasks at the exact time or event of interest.  

We understand every person’s experience is important to understand, and it is unique. Everyone’s life is on a different timeline, and catering to that timeline to allow ease of feedback in the moment an experience occurs is vital. AlertYa™ allows us to cater to these individual timelines.

This has revolutionised the way we interact with our respondents, something we are incredibly passionate about. It offers a more engaging, easy to use and intuitive platform to share their experiences throughout projects, ultimately leading to richer insights. 

  • Surveys around events or time periods

  • Delivered wherever people are, whatever they are doing

  • Check performance of products at regular intervals

  • Improve consumer experience and engagement

Do you have a new challenge?

Tell us about your project. Let’s find a way to get your business an edge.

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4325 Park Approach, Thorpe Park, Leeds, LS15 8GB

Phone: 0113 2044 020

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