Claims development and validation2023-11-27T10:20:08+00:00


Claims development and validation

Deliver: 3rd stage of innovation

How to win in the real world

The purpose of claims is to make sure you win in the real world; they give you an edge over your competitors. They ensure your products stand out on the shelf. 

  • Claims convince people you will do that job better than anyone else

  • Technically, your product may be superior, but if you don’t communicate that, you hand the advantage to your competitors

  • Claims are multimedia: on pack, on billboards, in magazines, on TV, on social media…

  • Think about that place early on: it takes a lot to take a claim off pack!

Winning in the real world

Here’s evidence of using that winning claim to market the results on the biggest billboard in Times Square!

How do we achieve this?

  • Understand people through ethnographic qual and quant U&A

  • Generate the claims internally or with consumers through workshops

  • Make sure your claims will win in the real world

  • Ensure the test is fair and compliant with global best practice

  • Lead with the claim with the greatest resonance

  • Create a claims portfolio to ensure you have the evidence to stand up in court

Key benefits and value:

Claims go beyond efficacy, they can be…

  • Functional: easy to take, easier to open, easier to carry, etc.

  • Social: can I get back to my job quicker, quick acting, etc.

  • Emotional: nostalgic ingredients, trusted ingredients, familiar fragrances, etc.

Making sure you win

Our methodological innovation in Claims webinar was led by Kate Binner, Head of R&D Insight, and Richard Heath, Managing Director.

Learn how to make sure your claims win where they matter by watching this 40 minute session which is now available on demand.

Claims Webinar - Kate Binner and Richard Heath

Success stories…

Ready to talk?

Tell us about your goals. Whatever the stage, whatever the horizon, let’s find a way to get your business an edge.

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Contact Info

4325 Park Approach, Thorpe Park, Leeds, LS15 8GB

Phone: 0113 2044 020

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