Driving Precision in a Claims HUT

Driving Precision…

To understand new product performance in a claims HUT

The Challenge:

Our client needed to know if they could make specific claims for use in marketing communications about how long protection lasted. It was critical that surveys were answered at the right moments, within 30 minutes, to accurately understand performance. 

The Solution:

AlertYa™ delivered surveys with absolute precision at time-based intervals, based on individual time of application, allowing claims about longevity to be built based on real world behaviours. A final survey at the end garnered opinion on overall product performance, giving a holistic view of how people felt.  

The Result:

We demonstrated that the product clearly delivered over time, allowing the client to make some strong performance claims with absolute confidence. Respondent feedback on participation was also extremely positive – the project required quite a lot of different tasks to be completed, but AlertYa™ made it especially easy for people to know what they should be doing and when.

Greater participation rate with AlertYa™
Of consumers found AlertYa™ better than traditional surveys

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Tell us about your goals. Whatever the stage, whatever the horizon, let’s find a way to get your business an edge.


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Contact Info

4325 Park Approach, Thorpe Park, Leeds, LS15 8GB

Phone: 0113 2044 020

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