Momentous: real world moments2024-04-15T11:38:32+00:00

Introducing Momentous from Blue Yonder

Real moments. Rapid insight. Quicker actions.

An automated tool kit for understanding real world moments as they happen.

Products, Fragrances, Experiences, Media – they all succeed or fail on split second moments. Momentous gets you the answers you need to win in these moments. Momentous is unique and adaptable. Tell us the moments that matter to you and the questions you need answering. The toolkit will do the rest.

It is the power to count, track and diagnose behaviour and emotions as they happen. No more interrupting people’s experiences or relying on memory recall after the event. Momentous puts you in the moment with people. In the action as it happens. It gets you answers quickly and accurately.

Momentous from Blue Yonder

The Momentous difference

The answers you need in days not weeks

  • Real world moments

  • Only real people

  • Instant feedback

  • Automated data delivery

In the moment


Powered by two unique pieces of research tech.


Truly in the moment

Clickscape button, app and dashboard - Blue Yonder

The Pod

Any Moment, when you need it

The Pod is our community of ‘clickers’. They are there for you when you need them, at any moment. They will observe, record, count, and feel whenever you need them to do so.

They are the real-world people who will record their emotions, observations and attitudes by using the Clickscape® tool.

Sometimes we need to measure ongoing empathy, in a way that tracking surveys of digital metrics cannot deliver. The Pod is for organisations who frequently need to know fast truths about the people they serve.

The Pod - Community of clickers

When you might need The Pod:

  • Usage moments and occasions

  • Cross media exposures

  • Social media cut through

  • Polling

  • Happiness moments

  • Public transport stress

  • Health needs met or unmet

Frequently asked questions

We hope you find these FAQs and short answers useful. If there is anything further that you would like to know, please get in touch via the contact form below.

Why can’t people recall their behaviour after the event?2023-11-09T17:02:10+00:00

Human memory is notoriously inaccurate – it can be distorted and altered after the event and small details forgotten or missed. Recording data after the event or later in the day is at risk of contamination or loss of detail because we simply do not accurately remember the exact details.

Why are diary apps giving poor data?2023-11-09T17:01:48+00:00

Diary apps can be very effortful – it takes time and effort to find your phone (if its even on you!), pull it out, open the app, then spend the time inputting your thoughts and feelings – if you’ve even got that far. Often too, small moments that may not seem important enough to input into the app, are not captured – but we know that these are equally as important to understand.

Why is it important not to interrupt people’s moments?2023-11-09T17:01:21+00:00

People need to experience things as they normally would in their normal lives, whether or not they are taking part in research or not – we need to test in the conditions as close to natural use as possible, in order to gain the best chance of success on launch. We don’t want to alter or bias behaviour by asking questions in the middle of experiences.

What are the moments that matter?2023-11-09T17:01:07+00:00

Every small interaction with a product, however fleeting that may be, ladders up to the total experience. These are the moments that matter – one moment can make or break your experience or opinion of a brand or product.

Ready to talk?

Tell us about your goals. Whatever the stage, whatever the horizon, let’s find a way to get your business an edge.

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Contact Info

4325 Park Approach, Thorpe Park, Leeds, LS15 8GB

Phone: 0113 2044 020

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