The context
During our early morning workshop at Eurosense 2024, we introduced attendees to Clickscape©, a small, Bluetooth-connected button created to capture in-the-moment insights, such as fragrance, taste, or other sensory inputs as they happen. The button syncs effortlessly with an app and a dashboard, offering an intuitive way to capture genuine, real-time responses without disrupting the experience. To demonstrate the technology, we invited attendees to join us in exploring Clickscape© by capturing moments of insight during the conference. Over 20 brave volunteers raised their hands, and we asked them to use the button for the rest of the conference, with the mission to click once when they encountered something interesting and twice when they found it both interesting and useful.
▪One click for “interesting”
▪Two clicks for “interesting and useful”
The results were fascinating…
What did we learn?
Although our trial was small, the results provided intriguing insights into how people engage with learning at conferences. Altogether, our group recorded 222 moments of insight – that’s an impressive amount of engagement! On average, each participant captured 10.1 unique insights during the conference.
If we extrapolate this across the entire conference attendance (estimated at approximately 500 attendees), it equates to a staggering 5,050 insight-filled moments – a real testament to the quality of Eurosense and the thought-provoking content it delivers.
Furthermore, the data revealed that not all insights were created equal. For every three moments recorded, one was marked as particularly useful, which means that each participant gained at least three actionable insights they considered valuable to their professional lives. If we consider this impact conference-wide, the level of meaningful learning becomes all the more impressive.
Eurosense, and conferences like it, continue to provide an invaluable platform for professional development and industry innovation.
Patterns in engagement
An interesting pattern emerged in our data: a noticeable drop in click activity after 2 pm. This isn’t a reflection on the quality of the afternoon content but may instead highlight a familiar phenomenon – the “post-lunch lull” – Clickscape® proves it’s real! As the day progresses, attendees’ energy levels tend to dip, making it harder to absorb new information. This finding suggests that if conferences want to maximise attendee engagement, they might consider scheduling their most impactful sessions in the morning when energy levels are higher. Alternatively, afternoon speakers could benefit from interactive or dynamic presentation techniques to keep audiences engaged.
This chart shows the average pattern of clicks throughout the day.

The impact of real-time feedback
Clickscape© offered an interactive and unique way to experience EuroSense, showing the potential of real-time feedback to capture insights and engagement levels across an event. The trial not only highlighted the value of EuroSense’s content but also sparked ideas on how we might support better engagement throughout the day.
There were some interesting method lessons from feedback as people returned their buttons at the end of the event. Some did forget to click. On reflection, though fun, the task we set was perhaps too subjective. It can be hard to know when you’ve had an insight. The button really comes into its own during clearly defined sensory moments like a fragrance, taste, or specific observation.
Overall, we all had fun and there are some fascinating insights on insights! If you joined us in this experiment, thank you for taking part, we hope you enjoyed the experience of using the button.
If you would like to learn more about Clickscape© or talk through your research needs, contact [email protected]
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