Using In-the-moment Tech to Get Ahead in Hyper-optimised CPG

Creating edges with insight

The Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG) industry is renowned for its rapid pace and constant evolution. Finding new edges is crucial. We believe it is possible to harness cutting-edge technology to gain real-time insights and create competitive advantages in this hyper-optimised industry. There are two primary routes to achieving this:

1. Be faster: Accelerate innovation and decision-making processes

2. Find new edges: Utilise advanced tools to uncover insights at critical moments of product use

The need for speed: agile methods and innovation

Agile automated solutions provide clients with the means to test quickly, providing timely, relevant data, to make faster decisions with reduced risk. Speeding up the innovation pipeline. Key components of this approach include:

  • Early testing: to reduce risks
  • Automation: streamlining operations
  • Smarter sampling: for efficient and relevant data collection
  • Specialised logistics: to enhance speed and reliability
  • AI techniques: to process data swiftly and accurately

Discovering new edges: the role of in-the-moment technology

Understanding consumer behaviour is key in the CPG sector. However, traditional research methods often rely on retrospective data, which can miss the nuances of actual consumer experiences.

In-the-moment technology bridges this gap by capturing real-time data on what consumers are doing and feeling as they interact with products.

This real-time data capture can be used in various ways:

1. Spotting usage and consumption occasions: by using in-the-moment technology clients can identify when and how consumers use their products throughout the day – helping to tailor marketing strategies and optimising product placements.

2. Diagnosing occasions and entry points: understanding the exact moments when consumers decide to purchase or use a product can reveal key entry points. For example, a snack brand wants to identify the precise moments when people choose their product over competitors. Using in-the-moment technology, the client can target the consumer straight after they purchase a snack and the immediate feedback helps the brand understand the context of these choices.

3. Spotting unmet needs and accessing them: real-time data can highlight gaps in the market by uncovering moments where consumers struggle to find a suitable product. For instance, if data shows consumers often struggle to find a dairy-free option at breakfast meetings, it reveals unmet needs in convenient, portable packaging for on-the-go breakfasts, paving the way for the brand to develop a single-serve option to meet this demand.

4. Testing flavours and fragrances in the market: in-the-moment technology can help clients track consumer reactions as they experience new sensory offerings in their everyday environments.

For example, if data shows exactly when and for how long a deodorant fragrance makes a consumer feel confident.

This immediate feedback allows for quick adjustments and refinements, ensuring that new products meet consumer preferences before a full market launch.

Does this fragrance make you feel confident?

Fragrance moments

5. Optimising consumer experience vs. competition: by tracking consumer interactions with products in real-time, clients can pinpoint areas for improvement. If a significant number of users report difficulty opening a package for example, the client can redesign it to enhance user experience.

Real world moments

There are several tools available to capture in-the-moment insights such as, survey apps, wearable tech, geolocation and beacon technology, video and photo diary apps and automated survey platforms.

That’s why we bring you Momentous: a toolkit for spotting and understanding moments, exactly as they happen. This includes three core tools:

1. Clickscape®: a wearable button for people to click as they observe / feel / experience / taste / smell the world around them. It connects via Bluetooth to a phone and dashboard and is complemented by a new type of follow up in-depth interview (IDI)

2. Alertya™: an app for delivering surveys at exactly the moment we know people need to receive them

3. Experience Mapping: detailed diagnosis of the entire product journey. Which moments matter? How do we perform on them?

This is all pulled together with The Pod: a community of ‘clickers’ – observing, recording, counting, feeling, whenever you need them to.

The technology in Clickscape® has demonstrated its capability, capturing 15x more moments than traditional diary apps. It allows clients to delve into ‘usage moments’ – the specific times and contexts in which consumers engage with their products. By understanding these moments, businesses can identify unmet needs and tailor their product development strategies to better meet consumer expectations.

In this media moments test, the results showed that 160 out of 172 media interactions in a day were missed by a diary app.

Blue Yonder’s Momentous tool kit uncovers the moments other research tech does not.

Over half of surveys are done at the end of the day. People simply can’t remember. At best it’s inaccurate. At worst, it’s wrong. Accurate in-the-moment research is transformative, providing clear visibility into consumer behaviour.

For example, in a recent study run by Blue Yonder on when consumers consider a meat free protein during a week (one click every time you consider a meat free protein), traditional surveys captured, on average, only 1.9 moments, whereas Clickscape® captured 2.33 instances of these moments, revealing a 20% increase in missed moments with traditional methods.

By pinpointing when these moments occur, clients can diagnose and address unmet needs, creating precise NPD briefs that resonate with consumers.

When do you think about eating meat-free protein?

Protein Moments graph

Driving competitive edge through continuous innovation

In summary, the key to maintaining a competitive edge in hyper-optimised CPG markets, lies in two stratdegies:

1. Be faster: Accelerate innovation and decision-making processes

2. Find new edges: Utilise advanced tools to uncover insights at critical moments of consumption

Continuous innovation requires a commitment to agile processes and a focus on rapid iteration. By constantly evolving and adapting to consumer feedback, clients can stay ahead of the curve and capture the attention of a dynamic consumer base.

Real-time data collection and in-the-moment insights empower clients to make more informed decisions, resulting in products that better meet consumer needs. This approach not only enhances the effectiveness of product development strategies but also ensures that clients remain agile and responsive in a fast-paced market.

Would you like to learn more about Blue Yonder’s agile automated solution and how it can help you stay ahead?

Get in touch: [email protected]

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Tell us about your goals. Whatever the stage, whatever the horizon, let’s find a way to get your business an edge.

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