Transforming Fibromyalgia Symptom Tracking with Clickscape®

The Challenge:

Fibromyalgia patients, like many other people suffering from illnesses and conditions, face significant challenges in managing and communicating their pain:

  • Infrequent specialist appointments make it difficult for patients to provide accurate symptom summaries.
  • Pain or symptom diaries are burdensome and lack real-time accuracy.
  • Patients often struggle to recall specific symptom episodes, leading to inadequate pain management and support.

These issues create a substantial information gap, hindering effective treatment and support for people.

Traditional methods of tracking pain, such as monthly appointments and keeping diaries, often fall short in capturing the full scope and severity of symptoms.

The Solution:

Clickscape® technology, developed by Blue Yonder, offers an innovative solution by allowing people to record real-time symptoms with precision. This case study explores the impact of Clickscape® technology on a 21-year-old female patient diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, examining its effectiveness in improving symptom tracking and communication with healthcare providers.

Introduced as a potential solution to bridge this information gap, Clickscape® allows users to record their symptoms in real-time through a simple button mechanism:

  • Single click indicates manageable pain, allowing the patient to continue their activity.
  • Double click indicates severe pain, stopping the patient from continuing their activity.

A week-long study was conducted to test the feasibility and effectiveness of this technology in providing accurate, real-time pain data.

The Result:

The study demonstrated the significant benefits of Clickscape® technology in tracking symptoms.

  • Improved accuracy: The participant could record pain episodes in real-time, providing precise data that reflected her daily experiences.
  • Enhanced independence: With detailed pain data readily available, the participant felt more confident attending medical appointments independently, without needing family support to recall her symptoms.
  • Better communication: Clickscape® data facilitated more effective communication with healthcare providers, allowing them to understand the patient’s pain levels before consultations.

The participant’s feedback highlighted the transformative impact of Clickscape®:

  • Memory aid: “If you look back, I can’t really remember much.” The Clickscape data provided a clear record, reducing reliance on memory.
  • Empowerment: “I always need someone there to explain things but with this tech I can use that to show them I won’t have to explain it then or remember – no way I’ll remember anyway: the doctors can see for themselves instead of me having to remember.”
  • Clinical efficiency: “It will be brilliant to show to my physio, for new calls with new people like an occupational therapist.” The detailed data streamlined appointments and enhanced treatment plans.

The technology provided a level of detail and precision that pain diaries cannot match, ensuring that patients’ pain experiences are comprehensively documented, and importantly, with minimal disruption to everyday life – it’s a simple click of a button to record a symptom.

This case study illustrated the potential of Clickscape® to significantly improve symptom tracking, and in-turn begin to help those suffering from conditions such as Fibromyalgia. The ease of recording data and the accuracy of exactly when and how many symptoms are experienced offers a tool to help gain control and freedom over an illness and condition by recording symptoms at the click of a button.

For more information about Clickscape® technology and how it can be used to get in-the-moment insight, please contact [email protected]

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