Unveiling Our Top Innovations of Q2 2024

At Blue Yonder, innovation isn’t just a buzzword – it is central to our business. It drives our growth, fuels our creativity, and empowers us to embrace challenges, to learn quickly, and to keep moving forward. Innovation is part of who we are, helping us navigate hurdles and find new ways to succeed.

Every quarter, our whole company gathers to celebrate innovation. It’s a chance to showcase the most exciting developments from the past three months and recognize the brilliant work in every team. The format is up to each team – we encourage everyone to think outside the box. We have seen videos, songs, role play, comic magazines… the list is endless!

This event is more than just a celebration; it’s a moment to connect, share a laugh, and strengthen our bonds as a team.

Not only that, we offer over £300 worth of cash prizes for the best innovations and presentations. It’s our way of recognising and rewarding the brilliant ideas that keep Blue Yonder at the forefront of our industry.

We are pleased to announce that this quarter’s winners are…

🏆 Top Blue Yonder Innovation

The winner of the Top Blue Yonder innovation of the quarter was our very own Finance Team! This is for their work in implementing PRIMO, our purpose built internal costing sheet which gives teams autotomy and clarity for costing in both our Qual and Quant studies. The finance team identified that the previous system was overly confusing and inconsistent, after implementing PRIMO the team are more confident and efficiency is high!

Top Client Innovation

The winner of ‘best client facing innovation’ for the quarter was the Labs team, who presented their recently created ‘UPS Quick Scan’ excel doc. Designed in collaboration with our data team, Oracle, the tool was designed to help our client understand and utilise their ‘6 Ps’ framework. This is a brilliant example of going above and beyond to provide for clients, creating bespoke tools to allow for a high quality, efficient work flow

Best Presentation

This quarter we had a tie for best presentation, with two teams going above and beyond to present their excellent innovations. Congratulations to the Qual Team and the Sense:buds team. Qual made a funny video to present their client workshop, and Dan made us all laugh while explaining the Sense:bud teams new ‘Big Brother’ master doc which helps track all aspects of their panel recruitment work.

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