Hi, I’m Karen and I have a real interest in mental well-being, happiness and resilience, based on my personal and professional experiences over the last few years…
During my time at Blue Yonder, I have run a few resilience training sessions and I’m keen we continue having open conversations about well-being as we start shifting towards a future of hybrid working, and what the business looks like as we continue to grow and expand in 2022 and beyond…exciting times for Blue Yonder!
No-one is completely fine, however they might look on the outside. We all have our challenges, we all deal with them differently, and we’re all a work in progress. It’s perfectly normal not to be okay, but if that’s the case, the best thing you can do is work on finding the most effective way of looking after yourself and building your resilience – whether that’s through increasing your exposure to positive emotions, finding meaning and purpose in your day to day life, or strengthening the relationships with those most important to you.
Mental health and well-being should be a part of our everyday conversation!
Thank you to KeyNote – Women Speakers Directory for inviting me to take part in their Expert Voices podcast on mental well-being – my first ever podcast, and on a topic feel very strongly about! It was a pleasure taking part, so thanks to the brilliant team behind it for supporting me and doing a great job with the production and edit, and to Lissy Ann Puno for being a wonderful host!
You can view it on YouTube or a few other channels like Spotify:
Finally, let’s keep talking – I’m always happy to chat if you want to know more or have a discussion about practical steps to be happier or more resilient.
#happinessisachoice #resilience #podcast #mentalhealth #mindfulness #expertvoices

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