Monthly Archives: February 2023

Market Research: An Innovation Report 2022/23


2022 was a tough year for the MR industry. Early industry data showed that Market Research was squeezed hard, which was not unexpected, with budgets under pressure to go further. That is why, more so than ever, it is important to stay strong, have the right forward thinking, pro-active approach and dogged determination, which [...]

Market Research: An Innovation Report 2022/232024-01-15T12:05:00+00:00

C4RI: Laying Solid Foundations for Innovation


What do we mean by Innovation? ‘Innovation’ is one of those words that is everywhere; we hear it every day. It’s thrown around as a challenge, as an objective and as a badge of honour. Be more innovative. We need to be more innovative. We are innovative. Yet what ‘innovative’ and ‘innovation’ means is [...]

C4RI: Laying Solid Foundations for Innovation2023-08-18T12:33:32+00:00

Thriving through innovation in a tough economy


Practical insights: how to think differently about innovation in 2023 We have collaborated with Simple Design Works who specialise in product design consultancy to uncover how you can change the way you think and act about innovation.  As we face new challenges in the world; consumer behaviour and markets are rapidly change.  Is your [...]

Thriving through innovation in a tough economy2023-11-13T10:40:27+00:00
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