Swift and Agile Fragrance Testing

The Challenge:

Our client needed to understand if their fragrances would perform well in a robust large-scale quant test, quickly and efficiently.

Facing the challenge of ensuring product superiority in a competitive market, our global home care client sought a game-changing approach to fragrance testing – one that was not only swift but also agile enough to adapt on the fly.

The Solution:

Enter the solution: SPRINT.  This revolutionary methodology prioritised quick, informed decision-making. On day one, consumers evaluated 10 fragrances, providing live data based on liking and preference through succinct questionnaires. The immediacy of the data allowed us to set a cutoff time for client collaboration, ensuring swift decisions on day two. If necessary, day three allowed for refinement and a deeper dive.

The Result:

The impact was profound. The agile SPRINT methodology facilitated decisions on fragrance modifications within a day, ensuring superiority against competitors. The next steps involved re-testing the reworked fragrances using SPRINT for final validation before proceeding confidently to large-scale Home Use Testing (HUT), providing robust evidence for a successful market launch.​

In essence, our client not only saved time and resources but also gained a powerful tool to swiftly iterate, adapt, and conquer in the dynamic landscape of product testing. The fragrances not only passed the test; they emerged as champions ready for a market triumph.

Ready to talk?

Tell us about your goals. Whatever the stage, whatever the horizon, let’s find a way to get your business an edge.

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