Insight and Impact Through Storytelling

Bringing great research to life…

Claims are powerful in their own right; they give statistical confidence, hard-and fast evidence that products or campaigns work… but sometimes, people need to see more than just a number to act.

The Challenge:

The client wanted to reshape their R&D department with a product that was ‘better for heavy sweat’ by capturing the emotions of how much this product meant to its users who were in close contact, non-stop careers who heavily sweat every day.

We had scientific proof, we had claims data – but we needed to tell a powerful, emotional story to prove the superiority of a new antiperspirant formulation: we needed to persuade retailers it was worth the price hike at the shelf.

The Solution:

We created a global style TV advert for trade marketing that helped to bring a wider representation by using a technically superior style of promotion. The camera crew were able to capture footage following a specific storyboard to capture a natural B-roll of the every day lives of the dancers. Showing their experiences with sweat and their reactions having used and tested the new deodorant.

Filmed to TVC standard, we partnered with a leading dance company to deliver global representation whilst really putting the product through its paces. This compelling story was designed to deliver ‘The Art of Spectacle’: insight and impact in equal measure.

The Result:

It worked; not only did global retailers buy in and agree to the price point move, but the film also went out into the world – social media and TV. Even more crucially, it gave R&D teams a voice, reshaping their role in the brand development process.

Ready to talk?

Tell us about your goals. Whatever the stage, whatever the horizon, let’s find a way to get your business an edge.


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4325 Park Approach, Thorpe Park, Leeds, LS15 8GB

Phone: 0113 2044 020

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