Switching Lanes: From Delivery Driver to CEO
If you’re looking for some #MondayMotivation, look no further than Jonathan’s recent podcast with The Skills Network for their SwitchingLanes sessions.
Switching Lanes celebrates success stories from people who have made significant career changes during their working life – and offers advice to those who are starting out in a new career, looking for that next step, or wanting to develop existing skills.
Aiming to empower people across all ages and backgrounds, especially those who are thinking about their future or current career prospects, Switching Lanes encourages listeners to keep learning, developing and pushing forward.
Thats how Blue Yonder was created, we switched from being a logistics business to an award winning full service agency by finding what we loved and doing it well, in this podcast we talk through the pivotal moments that got us there. Hopefully some useful hints and tips for those facing similar decisions.
Click here to listen now: ????

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