Ethnographic Research Reveals Key Decision Points

The Challenge:

Even subtle changes to the most loved FMCG products can mean forfeiting market share if they don’t meet consumer needs, with competitors ready to pounce on missed opportunities.

With behaviours shifting, and product preferences determined by the finest of margins, our client recognised the need to immerse themselves in the lives of their consumers, to fully understand why they make the decisions they do. How are products experienced in the moment, and how are decisions made? What does this mean for future product development and innovation pipelines?

The Solution:

Two key touchpoints in the consumer journey were identified – at point of purchase, and in-home use.

Targeting a cross-section of their consumer base, we conducted a series of ethnographic in-home visits (IHVs), and accompanied shopping trips (ASTs), getting us closer to the moments that matter, and uncovering edges within each category that would otherwise remain unknown.

Crucially, our clients attended each visit with us. Combining our rich experience in R&D qualitative research, our moderators worked alongside client stakeholders to uncover consumer habits, and dive right into the crux of how decisions are made both in-store and in-home.

The Result:

Adopting this approach allowed us to uncover specific mindsets and habits at these crucial points in the journey. With behaviours and habits changing, and FMCG categories extremely competitive, observing consumer behaviours first hand allowed for direct client insight, and tangible insights to ensure continued category success.

Experienced qualitative moderators collaborated with keen, inquisitive, client-side experts, maximising the value of each session, resulting in a clear set of guardrails, and a visual picture of what success looks like in each of the FMCG categories we surveyed.

Ready to talk?

Tell us about your goals. Whatever the stage, whatever the horizon, let’s find a way to get your business an edge.


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4325 Park Approach, Thorpe Park, Leeds, LS15 8GB

Phone: 0113 2044 020

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