As it’s mental health awareness week, I thought I’d share this video from the BBC and Open University on the importance of flexible thinking.
It very much links back with resilience and one of my favourite pieces of advice – that you can’t always change the circumstances you find yourself in, but you always have a choice about how to respond – and has some practical ways we can all be a bit more flexible and prepared for future challenges.
What do you do to develop more flexible thinking? I’ve recently started Tai Chi lessons and although it’s taking longer than I’d like to build up muscle memory (i.e. I’m pretty useless at remembering the sequence of moves from week to week!), I’m really enjoying it and starting to see the benefits mentally. Plus it gets me out of the house meeting new people when I mainly work from home, which is definitely a good thing.
For more information on mental health awareness week, there are lots of resources on MIND’s website.

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