Unveiling Consumer Fragrance Insights

The Challenge:

Discounters are gold; holding 28% of the client’s category and growing quickly, they offer a significant opportunity in the UK. The vast majority of sales are from branded goods – yet our client was losing share to competition who were delighting customers primarily through innovation in the fragrance space.​

To regenerate sales in the channel, it was crucial to understand both channel and consumer in greater depth to deliver the long-term pipeline of products and initiatives for our client to win.

The Solution:

Embarking on a consumer safari, we delved into the target consumer homes to explore product usage and behaviours. We needed to understand how these products were used in minute detail. How are they stored, dosed, used, and disposed of? How much of the decision about what to buy is already made before leaving the house, and who influences it? We observed, we asked questions. We learnt. ​

Then we hit the stores to watch decision making in action. How did this match what they’d told us? Where were the tensions and triangulations? Again we observed and questioned: what are they looking for? What do they notice? How do they decide?

The Result:

We understood more about the underlying needs consumers have from products in this category, around price, efficacy, efficiency and sensory appeal, particularly in fragrances. And with numerous formats available within the category, we understood the storage issues people were having, which products were best meeting these needs, and why.​ We decoded storage challenges and identified products meeting those needs.

Importantly, we also understood not just how this translates into usage but also influences decision making in a retail setting. Armed with these insights, our client received clear guidance on optimising product formation, formats, pack design, and in-store activation.

Ready to talk?

Tell us about your goals. Whatever the stage, whatever the horizon, let’s find a way to get your business an edge.


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Contact Info

4325 Park Approach, Thorpe Park, Leeds, LS15 8GB

Phone: 0113 2044 020

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